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This page contains basic usage of dte_adj library.

Generate data for training cumulative distribution function:

import numpy as np

def generate_data(n, d_x=100, rho=0.5):
    Generate data according to the described data generating process (DGP).

    n (int): Number of samples.
    d_x (int): Number of covariates. Default is 100.
    rho (float): Success probability for the Bernoulli distribution. Default is 0.5.

    X (np.ndarray): Covariates matrix of shape (n, d_x).
    D (np.ndarray): Treatment variable array of shape (n,).
    Y (np.ndarray): Outcome variable array of shape (n,).
    # Generate covariates X from a uniform distribution on (0, 1)
    X = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (n, d_x))

    # Generate treatment variable D from a Bernoulli distribution with success probability rho
    D = np.random.binomial(1, rho, n)

    # Define beta_j and gamma_j according to the problem statement
    beta = np.zeros(d_x)
    gamma = np.zeros(d_x)

    # Set the first 50 values of beta and gamma to 1
    beta[:50] = 1
    gamma[:50] = 1

    # Compute the outcome Y
    U = np.random.normal(0, 1, n)  # Error term
    linear_term =, beta)
    quadratic_term =**2, gamma)

    # Outcome equation
    Y = 5 * D + linear_term + quadratic_term + U

    return X, D, Y

n = 1000  # Sample size
X, D, Y = generate_data(n)

Then, let’s build an empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF).

import dte_adj
from dte_adj.plot import plot

estimator = dte_adj.SimpleDistributionEstimator(), D, Y)
locations = np.linspace(Y.min(), Y.max(), 20)
cdf = estimator.predict(1, locations)

Distributional treatment effect (DTE) can be computed easily in the following code.

dte, lower_bound, upper_bound = estimator.predict_dte(target_treatment_arm=1, control_treatment_arm=0, locations=locations, variance_type="simple")

A convenience function is available to visualize distribution effects. This method can be used for other distribution parameters including Probability Treatment Effect (PTE) and Quantile Treatment Effect (QTE).

plot(locations, dte, lower_bound, upper_bound, title="DTE of simple estimator")
DTE of empirical estimator

To initialize the adjusted distribution function, the base model for conditional distribution function needs to be passed. In the following example, we use Logistic Regression. Please make sure that your base model implements fit and predict_proba methods.

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
logit = LogisticRegression()
estimator = dte_adj.AdjustedDistributionEstimator(logit, folds=3), D, Y)
cdf = estimator.predict(1, locations)

DTE can be computed and visualized in the following code.

dte, lower_bound, upper_bound = estimator.predict_dte(target_treatment_arm=1, control_treatment_arm=0, locations=locations, variance_type="simple")
plot(locations, dte, lower_bound, upper_bound, title="DTE of adjusted estimator with simple confidence band")
DTE of adjusted estimator with simple confidence band

Confidence bands can be computed in different ways. In the following code, we use moment method to calculate the confidence band.

dte, lower_bound, upper_bound = estimator.predict_dte(target_treatment_arm=1, control_treatment_arm=0, locations=locations, variance_type="moment")
plot(locations, dte, lower_bound, upper_bound, title="DTE of adjusted estimator with moment confidence band")
DTE of adjusted estimator with moment confidence band

Also, an uniform confidence band is used when “uniform” is specified for the “variance_type” argument.

dte, lower_bound, upper_bound = estimator.predict_dte(target_treatment_arm=1, control_treatment_arm=0, locations=locations, variance_type="uniform")
plot(locations, dte, lower_bound, upper_bound, title="DTE of adjusted estimator with uniform confidence band")
DTE of adjusted estimator with uniform confidence band

To compute PTE, we can use “predict_pte” method.

pte, lower_bound, upper_bound = estimator.predict_pte(target_treatment_arm=1, control_treatment_arm=0, width=1, locations=locations, variance_type="simple")
plot(locations, pte, lower_bound, upper_bound, chart_type="bar", title="PTE of adjusted estimator with simple confidence band")
PTE of adjusted estimator with simple confidence band

To compute QTE, we use “predict_qte” method. The confidence band is computed by bootstrap method.

quantiles = np.array([0.1 * i for i in range(1, 10)], dtype=np.float32)
qte, lower_bound, upper_bound = estimator.predict_qte(target_treatment_arm=1, control_treatment_arm=0, quantiles=quantiles, n_bootstrap=30)
plot(quantiles, qte, lower_bound, upper_bound, title="QTE of adjusted estimator")
QTE of adjusted estimator

You can use any model with “predict_proba” or “predict” method to adjust the distribution function estimation. For example, the following code use XGBoost classifier to estimate the conditional distribution.

import xgboost as xgb
estimator = dte_adj.AdjustedDistributionEstimator(xgb.XGBClassifier(), folds=3), D, Y)
cdf = estimator.predict(1, locations)